High School of The Dead Stunning Cosplay

High School of The Dead Stunning Cosplay ive ever seen, ya this is the best High School of The Dead cosplay photo which i ever seen, as a reminder and if you not familiar with this HOTD (high school of the dead) i'll give u some information, High School of The Dead is a manga wich lately has been adapted in to anime with 12-episode, this anime or the manga still on going but i think they stucked in episode 12 and in manga version they stoped at chapter 29, i love this anime but till now i still wondering how this anime will end (coz another episode not come up yet, i though maybe they stop this anime), this HOTD story begin when the the main character's high school attacked by one zombie who start infected whole school area, start from there some the survivor trying to find safe place and their adventure start.

High School of The Dead Stunning Cosplay Gallery 

Like i said this is the most amazing high school of the dead cosplay ever, the photographer behind this High School of The Dead Stunning Cosplay is 35ryo, its impresive only with saw this photo i feel like im watching the HOTD live movie XD, when i saw this cosplay photo i can feel the fear atmosphere on the photo beside that the cosplayer expression made this High School of The Dead Stunning Cosplay even look more realistic, the set of night time with full bloody effect and stunning makeup plus a dark shade which added on this cosplay photo has give very big contribution to made this cosplay photo look awesome, but unlucky there is only one photo of my favorites character Saeko Bushujima (Fymerry look very sweet, she was made saeko in perfect form), its must be hard work to organize a lot of pople to play as zombie.

 the cosplayer behind this stunning cosplay photo is (Yoh as Komuro, Hiyosakura as Miyamoto rei, Fymerry as Bushujima Saeko, Tomoguigui as Takagi Saya, AK as Hirano Kota, and TingXue as Marikawa Shizuka <-- a hot chool nurse XD) well i got this High School of The Dead Stunning Cosplay from http://35ryo.deviantart.com/, visit there to see another stunning cosplay photo. 

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