Lose Weight for the Big Day in 15 Days

Every year after winter season, some ladies suddenly find themselves are putting on more weight, so do I. In winter, pretty a holiday season, I just cannot resist the temptation of delicious food and tend to eat a lot to satisfy my ravenous appetite. If you are just like me and if 2010 is your wedding year, then sadly, but I have to say it’s a misfortune. Imagine this, you purchased the pretty wedding dress a long time ago just for the big day, and suddenly find this gorgeous bridal gown couldn’t fit you anymore.  But do not panic, we still got plenty of time to lose weight and it just needs 15 days! When consulting for losing weight, the nutritionists generally suggest drinking more water, eating more vegetables and fruits instead of the high-fat diet. This theory can be applied to our Lose-weight-in-15-days program.

We may subdivide the program into three stages as follows:

Stage 1
keep 3 meals a day
This stage will take about 3 to 4 days. The purpose of having 3 meals normally per day is to keep you from hungry, allowing us to stick to the weight-losing program more easily. For breakfast and lunch, we can eat as the same amount of food as usual (better eat vegetables and fruit only), but do eat less for supper or eat fruit instead. This will prevent the unwanted calories be absorbed by the body in night. Eat supper 3 hours earlier before going to bed. In addition, protein is a must for body and don’t take it away from the menu. If you have the habit of drinking milk, please drink fat-extracted one.
vegetables and fruits, the golden rule of losing weight
Eat vegetables like broccoli and green beans, the fiber within these vegetables could help the body expel the toxin. Fruit aids in digestion and can also give the stomach a full feeling.

Stage 2
This stage will take 3-4 days too. In this stage, we should still avoid eating high-fat food. We can eat rice and other staple food aside from vegetables and fruits for breakfast and lunch.
Stage 3
Fruit, fruit, fruit
The last stage lasts pretty longer, about 8 days. During this style, fruit should play as the main role in our diet.

Find the right fruit. Orange, pomelo, apple, grape and tomato are some good choices. Some ladies would suggest drinking fruit juice to lose weight. This is not correct in my opinion. The calorie of one cup of fruit juice is pretty much the same as eating three apples. For example, 100g orange juice contains 65 calories, pomelo juice, 60; apple juice, 70. If you prefer fruit juice, it’s better to choose tomato juice which has only 30 calories.
Eat the right vegetable, like asparagus and pumpkin. They all have a healthy benefit to body.

By following the steps, I have lost 5 pounds of weight successfully. I am sure that you can too and the wedding dress will just suit you perfectly. Good Luck!